
3 tips for getting rid of those pesky side stitches when you run

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If you’re an avid runner, you’ve likely experienced a sudden pain in your side that can make it impossible to keep going. This intense abdominal pain is known as a side stitch, though it’s often referred to as a side cramp or ache.

A side stitch is an intense, possibly stabbing pain that’s felt temporarily underneath the lower edge of your ribs. It only occurs during exercises, especially exercises that require upper body twisting motions, such as running. While the exact cause of side stitches hasn’t been nailed down, there have been several tips shared throughout the health care and exercise industries that can help you get rid of them.

3 tips to help you get rid of side stitches while running

Side stitches don’t often last long, but they can still be frustrating while they’re occurring. With the right tips and tricks, you can help reduce the pain to get back to your run.

Here are three tips for getting rid of side stitches when you run:

  • Practice breathing techniques — Having proper breathwork while running is essential, as rapid breathing can put too much pressure on the diaphragm, potentially leading to a side stitch. If you’re experiencing a spasm, you can try breathing techniques, such as pursed-lip breathing and diaphragmatic breathing. You can also try switching up your breathing pattern.
  • Slow down — It may be instinctual to immediately stop moving when you feel a side stitch, and that’s OK. But it can also be effective to slow down from a run to a walk so that your body can gradually cool down and allow your muscles to relax.
  • Stretch your abdomen — Whether you’re experiencing a side cramp or trying to prevent one from occurring, stretching your abdominal muscles can make a difference. If you’re actively feeling the pain, stretch your arm up over your head and lean your body into the direction of the side stitch.

Panther Physical Therapy can help you learn how to get rid of side stitches while running

When you experience a side stitch while running, it can make you want to stop exercising for the day. But with the right techniques, such as breathing exercises, you can overcome the ache and continue your run.

At Panther Physical Therapy, we help runners learn how to address and alleviate side stitches. We’ll guide you through stretches and breathing exercises that may not only reduce side stitches, but also decrease the likelihood of one occurring in the first place.

Call us or request an appointment today if you want to get rid of side stitches.