
What factors can affect how long an episode of vertigo may last?

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Vestibular Rehab St. Louis, Creve Coeur, Ellisville, Saint Peters, Saint Charles & O’Fallon, MO

Feeling disoriented and dizzy can be scary, but it often wears off after a few seconds for many people. However, if people have a disorder, injury or infection that affects their inner ear, they might have a recurring spinning sensation, similar to dizziness, known as vertigo.

Vertigo is a type of dizziness that can make you feel like you’re spinning, or like your surroundings are spinning. An episode of vertigo can include feeling nauseous and unbalanced. But how long does it last? And what impacts its duration? Read on to find out the answers and how vestibular rehab can help.

Factors that can impact how long vertigo lasts

While it’s hard to determine an exact average duration time for an episode of vertigo, most people experience the symptoms for a few minutes. However, it can vary from person to person. While vertigo can occur for just a few seconds for some people, others may experience the spinning sensation for days at a time.

There are a couple of factors that affect how long an episode of vertigo may last, including:

  • Cause — The root issue behind vertigo often plays the biggest role in its duration. For people with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), an average episode can last less than one minute. Those with Meniere’s disease tend to experience episodes that stretch for up to 12 hours, often associated with hearing loss and nausea. 
  • Trigger — Branching off the previous point, episodes of vertigo are often triggered by a movement or circumstance. Bending your head or standing up quickly will likely cause a vertigo episode that only lasts a few seconds or minutes. Longer episodes may stem from internal circumstances, such as excessive anxiety, lack of sleep, or alcohol intake.
  • Performing maneuvers — If you’re experiencing vertigo, it’s possible to make the symptoms go away with safe and effective maneuvers. Physical therapists often recommend the Epley maneuver or the Semont maneuver. By completing the exercises, you can help the dizziness go away.

Excel Sports & Physical Therapy can help you shorten how long vertigo lasts

While the severity of vertigo can range from person to person, the right techniques can shorten the length of a vertigo episode. If you’re having recurrent vertigo that seems to be getting worse or longer, vestibular rehab can help. With targeted exercises and maneuvers, Excel PT can help you address and reduce your vertigo.

Call us or request an appointment today to shorten how long your vertigo episodes last.