
Why do I have pelvic pain during sex?

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Lower Back and Pelvic Pain

Have you been experiencing pelvic pain during sex? Painful sex, also known as dyspareunia, can be frustrating and concerning. Effective pain management techniques can be key to finding relief. Understanding why you’re experiencing this pain may be a crucial first step toward finding a solution. According to one study, around 7.5% of sexually active women reported experiencing pain during sex. This pain can have several different causes. Learning about these causes can provide insights into your own condition and how it can be treated.

Potential causes for pelvic pain during sex

  • Infections — Are you experiencing symptoms such as pelvic itching and burning along with your pain? The cause could be an infection. Many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) cause pain during sex. Other kinds of infections, such as yeast infections, can also lead to discomfort. If an infection is the cause of your pain, treating the infection can be essential to managing your symptoms.
  • Pregnancy — Experiencing pelvic pain after sex is relatively common during pregnancy. This can be caused by changes happening in the body while you’re pregnant. Hormonal changes may be a major contributing factor. Changes in your body’s circulation can play a role as well. Physical therapy can help you manage any discomfort and pelvic pain you experience over the course of your pregnancy.
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction — The pelvic floor is the group of muscles and ligaments that support the organs around the pelvis. When the muscles in the pelvic floor are weak or otherwise have trouble functioning, you may start to experience pelvic pain during sex. Pelvic floor dysfunction can also lead to symptoms like stiffness and incontinence. With hands-on manual therapy and other tension-relieving techniques, your physical therapist can help you work toward relief.

SOL Physical Therapy can help you avoid pelvic pain during sex

Want to address your pain and prevent pelvic discomfort during sex in the future? At SOL Physical Therapy, we can help you find relief. Our team is committed to helping each patient succeed in achieving their recovery and wellness goals.

Call us or request an appointment today to learn more about our pelvic pain treatment options.